Dear NEFBA members:
Builders Care has always had the support of NEFBA’s caring members, members who generously donate time, labor, materials and money.
Without government funding, Builders Care relies solely on the generosity of NEFBA’s membership and the community’s volunteers and donors.
Builders Care is truly NEFBA’s charity and you can be extremely proud of our mission. A local, boots-on-the-ground kind of charity, we exist to help our community’s most vulnerable homeowners.
It recently came to my attention, however, that “local” has a different meaning, depending on who is using it.
At a recent Clay County Builders Council breakfast, I met a builder who told me he believes in Builders Care and what we do.
In fact, he and his wife want to donate to us but they want their money to positively affect the lives of families in their local community, which is Clay County.
I said he is more than welcome to earmark money he donates to be used only for Clay County aid.
Sadly, deserving families in need and worthy projects are abundant in all the counties in our service area.
This way, you can pinpoint your immediate area and Builders Care can truly call itself a local charity.
The reason we are able to set aside donations for local projects is due to the board’s creation of a Caring Member Campaign.
The idea behind the Caring Member Campaign is to engage NEFBA members in sustained financial support, businesses donating a small amount of money each month, to allow Builders Care to operate and carry out the mission.
If 10 percent of the membership were to donate $100 a month, Builders Care would not only cover its expenses for the year, but would also have enough money each month to repair two roof leaks and build at least one wheelchair ramp. Even these small repairs can be life-changing.
Your contribution is tax deductible and it’s a really good cause.
Anyone who has ever had a roof leak knows how stressful it is to live with, especially during hurricane season.
Now imagine having a roof leak and an income of less than $1,000 a month to cover your living expenses, not to mention being disabled or elderly.
Builders Care is here to help the most vulnerable of our neighbors, the neighbors God has called us to love and assist.
So please join us in our mission and consider signing up as a Caring Member.
Visit our sponsorship commitment page on our website at or email me at [email protected].
Thank you,
Justin Brown
Builders Care executive director