Whether you’re planning to stop something negative or start something positive, there are only two days left to make a New Year’s resolution that can be in effect Sunday morning.
The Jacksonville Public Library wants people to read more often in 2017. If you decide that will be your resolution for the next year, you have two extra days to get started.
Tuesday, the library will launch “Read 66,” a program designed to help create or solidify the habit of reading. The challenge for the community is to read for at least 15 minutes a day for 66 consecutive days.
“Research shows it takes 66 days to develop a new habit,” said Jennifer Giltrop, deputy library director for public services.
Reading improves memory and concentration, reduces stress and can help stave off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. It also can help children bond with their parents.
“It’s free, family fun,” said Giltrop. “Hopefully, we can help people develop the habit to read for their lifetime.”
Teachers in Duval County Public Schools are issuing the challenge to their students, who will be eligible for library programs at school and 10-book collections to add to their classroom libraries if they complete Read 66.
The Jacksonville Children’s Commission and Lutheran Services Head Start also are taking part in the literacy effort.
Resolute readers can track their progress at jaxpubliclibrary.readsquared.com.
There will be rewards at the three- and six-week milestones. Readers receive a free book when they complete the program.
The finale of Read 66 will be March 25, when the public is invited to the inaugural Jax Book Fest from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Main Library Downtown.
It will feature authors and illustrators of best-selling books for children and young adults.
One of Jacksonville’s leading 1960s Civil Rights figures, Rodney Hurst Sr., will talk about his first book, “It Was Never About a Hot Dog and a Coke,” and his most recent publication, “Unless WE Tell It, It Never Gets Told,” which discusses Jacksonville‘s black history and racism.
Also scheduled are Maggie Stiefvater, author of the New York Times best-selling series “The Shiver Trilogy,” and Karen Beaumont, author of “No Sleep for the Sheep” and “Shoe-La-La.”
The library is offering 40 tables for local authors who’d like to showcase their work at Jax Book Fest for a small fee. Details and an application are available at ilovejpl.org.
(904) 356-2466