In addition to being late on loan payments before it closed last month, the owners of BlackFinn Ameripub in The Markets at Town Center were delinquent on ad valorem taxes, according to a petition filed last week by the Duval County Tax Collector’s office.
A petition filed Nov. 2 in Duval County Circuit Court by Sherry Hall, acting tax collector, says BlackFinn Jax LLC owes $29,226 in unpaid taxes for 2017, plus interest and fees, and also owes $22,599 on its current tax bill.
BlackFinn also was facing a lawsuit filed in February by First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. alleging it defaulted on a small business loan and owes $672,377.
Last week’s petition says the tax lien is superior to the foreclosure action. The Duval County Tax Collector's office is asking the court to let it seize tangible personal property left behind in the restaurant building to pay off the tax bill.
BlackFinn Jax has not filed a response to the Tax Collector’s action. The corporation is based in Charlotte, North Carolina, according to filings with the Florida Secretary of State’s office.