Florida Pharmacy Association unveils plaque

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  • | 12:00 p.m. October 28, 2005
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Several members of the pharmacological community watched and applauded Thursday as leaders of the Florida Pharmacy Association unveiled a plaque commemorating the association’s 100th year. Jim Powers (left) and Howard E. Staats, the past and current presidents of the association, respectively, unveiled the plaque at the corner of Adams and Main streets, which is where the association’s first office was located. Interestingly, the unveiling is actually 18 years late. The association was founded in Jacksonville in 1887 and the first 100th anniversary was celebrated at the Florida Theatre in 1987. The plaque that was unveiled yesterday was originally to have been unveiled after the party but something went wrong with the plans. “For the past 18 years, that plaque has resided in garages, the trunks of automobiles and in the backs of pharmacies,” said past-president Powers. “Howard Staats finally made this dream come true.”



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