E-Council members offer energy audits

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  • | 12:00 p.m. October 14, 2013
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Builders concerned with customer satisfaction can improve their scores by including a professional home performance audit in the deal. Two NEFBA E-Council members offer, in addition to their home inspection services, professional home energy audits for homeowners and builders: HomePro Inspections and USA HERS.

HomePro Inspections owner Wally Conway, a certified master inspector, is well known in Jacksonville, having appeared nationally on the HGTV and DIY networks, and locally on radio station WOKV 104.5 FM. Educating the public about energy and water efficiency, cost-effective home improvements and all things related to the economic maintenance and comfort of a home is a driving force for Conway.

HomePro offers home inspections, energy and water audits, and environmental services related to indoor air, mold, radon, lead paint and other building concerns for both residential and commercial clients. The company began operation in Jacksonville in 1994 and all inspectors are licensed and complete continuing education courses on a regular basis. Having inspected more than 30,000 area homes over the past 20 years, HomePro can provide historical data about issues that arise after five or 10 years of occupancy.

“When we are part of the team that consists of the builder, the homeowner and our inspector, everyone wins,” Conway said. “Our goal is no call backs in the first year. The builder saves money and the owner has an excellent experience, ensuring an endless source of referrals for the builder.”

Contact HomePro (Wally Conway) at (904) 268-8211 or visit online at www.gohomepro.

USA HERS, which was already a certified HERS provider, joined the nationwide effort to protect the environment by its partnership in 2004 with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR program. Tim Gardner, the company’s CEO, predicted at the time the local construction industry would be enthusiastic about building structures that are more economical to operate and that help the environment by reducing pollution. USA HERS was recognized by the EPA in 2009 and 2010 with the ENERGY STAR for Homes Leadership in Housing Award for its efforts on Florida’s First Coast.

USA HERS serves builders, home buyers, lenders and the real estate industry by inspecting and certifying homes meet ENERGY STAR Certification. ENERGY STAR homes offer energy-efficient features including increased levels of insulation, efficient windows, noise reduction, high-efficiency heating and cooling equipment and tightly sealed air ducts. Such features can reduce heating and cooling costs by up to 30 percent according to the EPA, meaning utility bill savings. Additional benefits of the ENERGY STAR label are peace of mind, enduring quality, wall-to-wall comfort, proven value and simply put, “Better is better.”

“Since every new home has the potential to save 30 percent in energy costs, builders who offer HERS Certification add value over the life of the home,” Gardner said. “Builders can offer a home that saves utility costs every month and ensures a more comfortable living space. The other huge benefit is the reduced pollution. It’s our commitment to the future.”

Contact USA HERS at (904) 233-7299 or (904) 571-9955 or visit online at www.usahers.com.


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