Gators defeat Bulldogs in the courtroom

Law students from the University of Florida win the 43rd annual Florida-Georgia Hulsey-Gambrell Moot Court Competition.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:00 a.m. November 3, 2023
  • | 5 Free Articles Remaining!
The team from the University of Florida won the 2023 Hulsey-Gambrell Florida-Georgia Moot Court Competition on Oct. 27. From left, attorney Scott Gallagher of Smith Gambrell Russell; University of Florida law students Samuel Budnyk and Logan Edwards and attorney Lanny Russell of Smith Hulsey Busey.
The team from the University of Florida won the 2023 Hulsey-Gambrell Florida-Georgia Moot Court Competition on Oct. 27. From left, attorney Scott Gallagher of Smith Gambrell Russell; University of Florida law students Samuel Budnyk and Logan Edwards and attorney Lanny Russell of Smith Hulsey Busey.
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The University of Florida was victorious Oct. 27 at the 43rd annual Florida-Georgia Hulsey-Gambrell Moot Court Competition at the Bryan Simpson U.S. Courthouse.

The team from UF’s Levin College of Law, Samuel Budnyk and Logan Edwards, defeated the UGA team, Jake Shatzer and Sandon Fernandes.

The competition is held annually on the eve of the Florida-Georgia football game and has become a tradition in the Jacksonville legal community.

Law students from each school compete in a mock case and make their appellate arguments before a panel of federal and state court judges from the two states.

The arguments were heard this year by a panel of judges comprising U.S. District Court, Southern District of Georgia, Judge J. Randal Hall (chief judge for the competition); U.S. District Court, Southern District of Georgia, Judge Lisa Godbey Wood; 4th Judicial Circuit of Florida Judge Waddell Wallace III; Florida 5th District Court of Appeal Judge Harvey Jay III; and Florida 5th District Court of Appeal Judge Joe Boatwright.

The record now stands at 26 wins for Georgia, 12 wins for Florida and five ties.

The event is sponsored each year by the Atlanta law firm Smith Gambrell Russell and Smith Hulsey & Busey in Jacksonville.


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