Jacksonville Bar Association names 2024-25 committee leaders

Committees include groups from Adoption Law to Veteran and Military Affairs.

  • By Max Marbut
  • | 12:56 p.m. August 27, 2024
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The Jacksonville Bar Association
The Jacksonville Bar Association
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Jacksonville Bar Association President Christian George appoints chairs, co-chairs and vice chairs for the association’s 2024-25 standing committees:

Adoption Law: Circuit Judge Michael Kalil, chair.

ADR Practitioners: Pam Klavon, chair; Curtis Hutchens, co-chair.

Appellate Law: 5th District Court of Appeal Judge Harvey Jay, chair; Rebecca Creed, co-chair.

Bar Bulletin: Iana Benjamin, chair; Juliana Favale, vice chair.

Commercial Litigation: Lanny Russell, chair; Matson Coxe, vice chair.

Construction Law: Nicholas Elder, chair; Helen Albee, vice chair.

Criminal Law: Duval County Judge Brooke Brady; Victoria Welch, vice chair.

Elder Law: LaTonya Lipscomb Smith, chair; Sarah Sullivan, vice chair.

Estate, Probate and Tax Law: Marvin Kloeppel, chair; Eric Young, co-chair.

Environmental and Real Property: Kristina Nelson, chair; Cynthia Trimmer, co-chair.

Family Law: Jay Henderlite, chair; Katie Johnson, co-chair.

Government Relations: Jonathan McGowan, chair; Susan Haag, vice chair.

Hispanic and Latino Interest: Isabella Lamonta, chair.

Holiday Project: Michelle Waddell, chair; Kyla George, co-chair.

Intellectual Property: Mitchell Ghaneie, chair.

Judicial Relations: Duval County Judge Michael Bateh, chair; Marlana Johnson, vice chair; Ronnie Graham, co-vice chair.

Labor and Employment: Alex Underkofler, chair; Andrew Underkofler, co-chair.

Law Week: Kimberly Woods, chair; Melissa Cairatti, vice chair.

Health Law: Caroline Kubovy, chair;

Health and Wellness: Mariana Munoz, chair; Lyudmyla Kolyesnik, co-chair; Michelle Waddell, vice chair.

Pro Bono: Laura Boeckman, chair; Aaron Irving, co-chair, Samantha Howell, co-chair; Melina Buncome, vice chair.

Professionalism and Mentoring: David Johnston, chair; Michelle Waddell, vice chair.

Social Security: Jerry Pryor, chair; Eric Berger, co-chair; Abby Loeffler, co-chair.

Solo Practitioner/Small Firm: Tim Boyd, chair; Rob Ellia, vice chair.

Transactional Law: Hannah Anderson, chair; Carley Menyhart, vice chair.

Trial Advocacy Seminar: Mitchell Stone, chair; Michelle Waddell, vice chair.

Technology: Nick Morcorn, chair; Jake Piasecki, vice chair.

Veteran and Military Affairs: Duval County Judge Mose Floyd, chair; Alan Rosner, vice chair; Lindsay Bierman, co-vice chair.

The chair, co-chair(s) and vice chair(s) of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee are yet to be appointed.


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