JU College of Law selects trial team

The team will compete against the other law schools in Florida in the annual Chester Bedell Memorial Mock Trial Competition presented in January.

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  • | 12:00 a.m. September 12, 2024
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The Jacksonville University College of Law Mock Trial Team, from left, Ryan Milovich, Grace Lawson, Bryce Richardson, Aleksandr Borger, Andrew-Paul Griffis, Randi Alt, Thomas Shoemaker and Susan Cavailhon. Not pictured: Audrey Shannon, Jake Navin and coach and adjunct professor Katelyn Johnston.
The Jacksonville University College of Law Mock Trial Team, from left, Ryan Milovich, Grace Lawson, Bryce Richardson, Aleksandr Borger, Andrew-Paul Griffis, Randi Alt, Thomas Shoemaker and Susan Cavailhon. Not pictured: Audrey Shannon, Jake Navin and coach and adjunct professor Katelyn Johnston.
Special to the Daily Record
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The Jacksonville University College of Law Mock Trial Team has been selected. The trial team will compete against the other law schools in Florida in the annual Chester Bedell Memorial Mock Trial Competition presented each year in January by the Trial Lawyer Section of The Florida Bar.


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